10 horrible reasons to be terrified about Australia
Spiders, dropbears and right-wing yahoos. Australia can be a very frightening place, indeed. Here's why ...
Spiders, dropbears and right-wing yahoos. Australia can be a very frightening place, indeed. Here's why ...
OPINION & ANALYSIS: Snakes strike fear into many people who live in or visit Australia. When we have a higher risk of injury or death from burns, horses, bee stings, drownings and car accidents, why don’t we fear these hazards as we do the sight of a snake?
OPINION & ANALYSIS: How risky is it really to swim? Is it fear that drives us to believe that rare events are likely to happen?
Yep, thats a very large bull shark smack bank in the middle of an Australian road...
Rangers capture and kill crocodile thought responsible for the death of Warren Hughes.
Aussie teen Lee De Paauw jumped into croc inhabited waters to impress a foreign girl. And guess what happened...
Australia has a reputation for life-taking storms and killer animals (insert drop-bear info, here). And quite frankly, we love it! Here's 10 reasons to be afraid, very afraid, Down Under.
Cute images of a furry little jumping koala has social media ooh'ing and aah'ing but, another type of jumping koala is not that cute and is known as a Drop Bear....
Get these totally typically Aussie moments up ya and scream: 'Australia, I love you'.
Righty-o then. There are a few Aussie stereotypes that we are sick to death of hearing.
A man walking around Australia in a Stormtrooper outfit to raise money for charity, has been saved from a deadly snake bite by his armour.
Thought you knew everything there was to know about the Lucky Country? Think again. From jellyfish, to toad racing, to beer swilling prime ministers, Australia is a world beater.
Why every Australian needs an eight-legged friend for a pet.
A 2.5 metre great white has been caught in the shark nets off Australia’s Bondi Beach.
Australian spider advocate refutes claim that arachnid found in UK grocery bag was ‘world’s deadliest’. Funnel web is easily the best eight-legged killer, he says.
Photos: Snake eating a crocodile in Australia caught on camera by amazed onlooker.
Don MacLeod, the Australian man who saved Kiwi Ryan Blair from a six-metre crocodile that had stalked him for a fortnight on Western Australia's West Governor Island, has plenty of similar tales.
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