
Why Turkey is the best destination for your rhinoplasty

Simply, the reason that makes Turkey the best destination to have rhinoplasty is that Turkey offers a high-quality nose job for affordable costs. You may say ‘But there are loads of other countries that offer high-quality rhinoplasty for low-costs’. This may be true, but it is a bit vague when we say ‘high quality’ or ‘affordable’.

How much does rhinoplasty cost in Turkey?

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job or nose surgery or nose reshaping, is a surgery involving reshaping and reconstruction of the nose. And Turkey offers highly affordable rhinoplasty. Just to give you an estimation, the cost of a nose job in Turkey starts from £1850 including the surgery fee as well as an English speaking patient host, transfers and accommodation at 4- or 5-star hotels. The cost of a nose job in Turkey is so affordable that for one rhinoplasty fee in the UK, you can have three in Turkey.The average cost of having rhinoplasty in the UK is £6K which is only for the surgery fee; exclusive of after-care. So, there is an incredible price difference between Turkey and the UK.

Why does rhinoplasty cost less in Turkey than in the UK?

This is an important question to ask when it comes to anything about your health and it is more important to get the facts, especially in this era of ‘infollution’. Briefly, there are three main reasons. Firstly, labour and operational costs are lower in Turkey than in the UK. Secondly, the government of Turkey provides incentives to organisations in medical tourism for them to be able to offer affordable treatment prices. Thirdly, Sterling (£) is strong against the Turkish Lira (TRY) as £1 equals almost 8TRY.

Does Turkey offer a good quality nose job?

A simple answer is yes!

Turkey has well-educated and highly experienced plastic surgeons who get to treat a good number of patients – in most cases more than the plastic surgeons in the UK or elsewhere in Europe – from different backgrounds thanks to growing medical tourism. Thanks to the growth target of the government of Turkey in medical tourism, Turkey heavily invests in healthcare and medical tourism to be able to offer the latest plastic surgery treatments. The hospitals that offer rhinoplasty are fully equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

It is your time to have your nose job while exploring Turkey

Medical travel companies like MCAN Health work with experienced and talented plastic surgeons and arranges everything for you. The only thing you need to do is to book your flight tickets. You have peace of mind. And the bonus of having your rhinoplasty in Turkey is the chance to have a holiday too. It is now your time to go on to that journey and Turkey looks forward to welcoming you.

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