4 Reasons CBD infused gummies work best for anxiety. Image credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/cbd-gummies-delta-8-thc-cannabis-6105639/.
If you have heard of CBD, then you know what I’m talking about. CBD products are available in many forms, such as oils, tinctures, creams, capsules, and gummies. CBD gummies have recently made their presence in the market and have taken the market by storm. Nowadays CBD infused gummies are readily available across the country, and you can find the best CBD infused gummies for anxiety UK effortlessly over the counter.
In January 2019, the CBD extract got the novel food status by the European Council, which made CBD legal in the UK. Now, there are plenty of online and offline marketplaces from where you can buy pure CBD gummies legally. Simultaneously, the recent surge in sales has caused low-quality products in some cases. Which one should be aware of also. Every day, more and more people in the United Kingdom are introducing CBD products in their life. What makes CBD gummies special is that they don’t have a hemp-like bitter aftertaste or earthy smell, unlike CBD oils. Instead, in the case of CBD-infused gummies, you will get a sugary taste and most likely a flavor of your choice. So, let’s see 4 reasons why CBD gummies such as Koi CBD work best for anxiety.
CBD gummies have made relaxing moods much easier and more discrete. As the gummies are filled with CBD oils inside them, they follow a similar path of action. While CBD oils are applied sublingually and are absorbed almost instantaneously, gummies first go to the stomach, and from there, they are digested and absorbed by the blood capillaries. Due to which gummies take some extra time to show their effects, you can take them before entering a meeting or interview or facing a challenging situation. According to some research, CBD gummies may also help reduce anxiety in patients suffering from a social anxiety disorder when facing public speaking tasks.
The CBD reacts with the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the human brain. These receptors are part of the endocannabinoid system of the human body. The endocannabinoid or ECS system is mainly responsible for improving mood, regulating the sleep cycle, appetite, and immune response.
Some researchers have also pointed out that CBD may help in reducing anxiety by increasing serotonin levels.
Many people prefer to take intoxicating substances such as marijuana or heroin to cope with the anxiety temporarily.
Although a “high” feeling can take your mind off the anxiety for the time being, once the effects wear off, you will crave more substance. It will further lead to addiction, and if not provided on time, you will start experiencing withdrawal symptoms soon. The “high” feeling associated with marijuana is due to Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); however, in CBD gummies, you will find less than 0.2% THC. Additionally, CBD has the same properties as THC, except it doesn’t make you lose your mind. So, with CBD infused gummies, you can easily take care of your anxiety problems without losing your mind.
One of the prime reasons for anxiety is the irregular sleep cycle and insomnia. As already mentioned, CBD has a positive effect on the endocannabinoid system of the body. Many users have reported better sleep after taking products like CBD-infused gummies.
Moreover, CBD may also improve rough sleeping conditions like Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder besides increasing the wakefulness of the user.
CBD gummies can also maintain the level of cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone. People suffering from anxiety have generally high levels of cortisol which can hinder the natural sleep cycle, positively attributing to the increased anxiety levels.
CBD gummies offer a pretty straightforward approach with respect to dosage. Each candy has been filled with an equal and predetermined dose. Due to this clear-cut understanding of dosage, a user doesn’t need to think about overdose, unlike the CBD oils, where a user can accidentally overdose by the dropper. Besides, gummies are easier to carry, hide, and use without getting any attention. Just open the box and pop the candy in the mouth; no need for an extra set-up or dropper. The discreet way further boosts the confidence of the user suffering from anxiety who doesn’t want to get noticed in the crowd.
There isn’t any prescribed dose of CBD; however, some research has found that a dose of 300 mg to 600 mg may help people suffering from a social anxiety disorder. According to research done by experts in 2019, usually, a person can tolerate up to 1500 mg of CBD per day. After that, the side effects like drowsiness, fatigue, loss of appetite, and diarrhea may appear.
Although CBD gummies are legal in the United Kingdom, they are not much regulated. To grow and sell CBD in the UK, you will need a license from the UK home office. At present, CBD gummies are classified as novel food, and they require premarket authorization. CBD gummies may help treat anxiety, but most of the researches is in their preliminary phases. However, for the time being, no government agency regulates the use of CBD products, and it is available in the market as a health supplement. Due to which while using the products, users’ discretion is always necessary. As a user, always look for the red flags associated with the product and search for third-party lab test results to refrain from buying CBD gummies from shady sellers.