Free Daily Horoscope - Astrology
Keep your karma positive with these daily free horoscope readings!
I shut my eyes in order to see. — Paul Gaugin
A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult. — Miscellaneous Proverb
A weasel comes to say Happy New Year to the chickens.
Happy Birthday! The months ahead are likely to start with a need to curb your spending as the planets move into a challenging position, and although a whole new image change will be what you’re looking for be careful that you don’t go too over the top! As the planets progress your natural reserve and caution will return! Spring will be a season of many changes, but you might try to avoid de-cluttering your life because of distant emotional attachments. Be ruthless; if you don’t need it, bin it! By the summer your emotions will settle just long enough to steady yourself, after which a whirl-wind romance will take your breath away! Be warned though; holiday romances are likely to be a flash in the pan – the real thing will be much more subtle and a whole lot sweeter, but you’ll need to wait!
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Tom Brady, Jay North, Martin Sheen, Tony Bennett, Anne Klein, Martha Stewart, James Hetfield
Jessica Alba is heading for a very special event according to the influence of Jupiter in her life. The surrounding astrological features suggest that this will relate to her emotional life!
There’s a slight tendency to be swayed by a mischievous undercurrent. There’s a possibility that you may be a little more impressionable than usual, particularly up to the late afternoon. Watch out for being a little too complacent or too blasé with those whose opinions count!
Today’s Numbers: 2, 14, 16, 23, 34, 46
The daylight hours may bring an air of unpredictability. That said; while it may feel a little unsettling, there is something to be gained from the slightly fickle vibe. A flash of inspiration and/or a moment of insight could suggest a creative way out of a possibly stagnant situation!
Today’s Numbers: 7, 18, 26, 34, 42, 49
Communications are reasonably well-aspected for your platonic relationships, but less so for your work/career ones. It’s not a day to be non-committal when it comes to teamwork or established joint ventures. Take care with verbal responses too: there’s a chance that you’ll still be a little too informal in more formal matters!
Today’s Numbers: 5, 11, 20, 27, 32, 45
It’s a day where you could find that you bite off more than you can chew in an attempt to operate in what may feel like a rather chaotic vibe. That said; with the right ‘can-do’ approach, it’ll be possible to think and act quickly when it comes to low-level matters. Just take care with more important ones!
Today’s Numbers: 1, 18, 23, 30, 42, 47
A fiery vibe may well over-exaggerate the significance of informal communications. Specifically, a piece of gossip or rumor could have quite a distracting effect. You might be entertained by what you hear, but you shouldn’t subscribe to anything until you know it to be true!
Today’s Numbers: 9, 16, 24, 29, 32, 46
If you can avoid being drawn into insignificant consultations and debate, particularly when it comes to practical matters and problems, then you’re less likely to over-complicate what could be fairly straightforward issues. On that note, it’s perhaps a day to quietly disregard those who claim to be a hundred percent correct!
Today’s Numbers: 3, 5, 11, 29, 33, 48
There’s a high level of good will during the daylight hours, and while this good-will factor is likely to persist, the evening’s vibe may well illuminate something missed in the morning. This could be the indirect result of an accidentally and recent tactless moment or comment!
Today’s Numbers: 9, 16, 21, 25, 33, 46
The beneficial undercurrent could be somewhat eclipsed by the rather chaotic vibe. However; that same undercurrent could help resolve, settle or conclude something once and for all. As an aside, though: take care with anything that involves finances or transactions, particularly during the daylight hours!
Today’s Numbers: 7, 12, 24, 35, 42, 49
The daylight hours are likely to present a deceptively liberal vibe, while the evening hours could be far more direct. A second chance may develop later on, but there may be a couple of concessions to accept. It may not be a good idea to delay important choices until the evening though!
Today’s Numbers: 4, 14, 16, 28, 33, 47
A subtly fretful undercurrent during the daylight hours could contain something of a guiding quality, but it’s possible that the timing could be better. A minor change could bring with it a subtle or discreet advantage. Incoming information may not be clear as such, but it may point you in the right direction!
Today’s Numbers: 2, 16, 21, 23, 36, 42
It’s a day to perhaps question surface impressions, especially when it comes to every-day developments, since you may feel as though something is slipping from your control. That said; your efforts to try and regain more influence over a developing matter may well be resisted by others in the first instance!
Today’s Numbers: 8, 19, 24, 34, 37, 45
It’s a day where you may feel motivated to tackle a matter that has perhaps been difficult or impractical up to now. You may feel that the timing is now right. In reality, the shifting moon suggests that something else entirely may be driving you to address or resolve this matter!
Today’s Numbers: 2, 16, 21, 30, 36, 43