Cremation Diamonds for a greener afterlife.
From its early use as currency in ancient India to its symbolism of love today worldwide, diamonds have always been a substance of immense value which is a sentiment that will surely transcend Time. Cremation diamonds help to keep the legacy of our loved ones alive when they depart from us. Australia is now one of them countries opting for this innovative and meaningful post-burial alternative on the rise around the world.
The steps of transforming your loved ones’ ashes to diamonds
Lonité a premier Swiss cremation diamonds producer and Australia’s number one listening and caring partner has now extended a branch office to Sydney with a core purpose of comforting and guiding all Australians who may have lost someone and who are interested in this new funeral remembrance option. The demand for cremation in Australia is gradually creeping ahead of cemetery burials and this trend is likely to continue over the next coming years.
All-natural diamonds are basically carbon which has been compressed and heated deep in the earth over a million of years. Specialists emulate those same conditions using unique hydraulic presses in a laboratory, compressing at massive pressures whilst heating to fantastic temperatures the extracted carbon from your cremation ashes or hair to grow a genuine raw diamond. Instead of years, they grow them in months. Very trending it is in present Australia to wear a diamond that you choose, shape, wear in a ring, earring or pendant having to carry and tell your interesting story of people who have mattered in your life.
Why Memorial Diamonds May Be the Best Option after a Cremation
Cremation diamonds are a long-lasting figure of a precious life, more economical, less time sensitive, no land space is taken up, a greener earth friendly option and importantly endless memories of your loved ones are created.
Green; the public perceives cremation as a greener alternative to burial. A traditional cemetery burial takes up land permanently and the chemicals that are used for embalming are cancerous that could leak into the water table. Here in Australia, an outer concrete burial vault made from concrete and steel is costly and the caskets are made of steel and are shipped into Australia which is not the greener option. Wooden caskets are made from trees that also destroy the rainforests. But cremation isn’t exactly green either, cremation involves burning of fossil fuels and can release mercury into the air from dental fillings. However, with cremation, it is a one-time thing and it stops there. Cemetery burials will release 10% more CO² on the long term because of the regular tomb’s maintenance and previous details mentioned above.
Also, about cremation diamonds, tribute is being paid to pets (cats, dogs, birds, horses or rabbits) by pet lovers to rekindle the memories spent before they passed.
Herro a big pet lover turned his own dog a 150-pound bull mastiff named Root into two diamonds, one ended up a ring for his wife the other in a bracelet he wears. “It was comfort to me and that’s how I knew it was a comfort to everyone else.”
Besides Cremation Diamonds Other funeral options are practiced
Ashes to diamonds are a progressive method people are considering after death unlike most of the practices that are silently phasing out because of the high un-defined cost structures.
Memorial Tree – these are planted in honour of someone who has passed away. These memorial trees sometimes have plaques with the honouree’s name, birth and death dates or a short motto. These memorial trees can be planted with or without the person’s ashes.
Ashes into a Reef – the cremated remains are mixed into concrete to create a pearl. The family can then personalize of a fresh layer of concrete with hand prints, messages or add military medals and religious symbols that are not harmful to the environment.
Green Cremation – Also known as Bio-cremation is a natural process of water and alkalinity (potassium hydroxide) to reduce the body to a basic element of bone ash in the same amount of time as traditional cremation.
Ashes into Space – Refers to the blasting of cremated remains into outer space. The ashes remain sealed inside their space craft until the space craft either re-enters the earth atmosphere or reaches its final destination.
People preferably choose the traditional burial method over other funeral options simply because it’s the commonly known and used worldwide.
With cremation diamonds, our loved ones still live amongst us, our children and grandchildren carry us with them everywhere and interestingly. Some Australians believe that these cremation diamonds come with blessings as their deceased loved ones watch over them. Immortalize a beloved partner, a relative or a pet. Have us transform their ashes or hair into fabulous cremation diamonds after all Diamonds last forever.