Chris Hemsworth spoke about his nude scene in Thor: Love and Thunder. Photo: Disney
Chris Hemsworth went through some intense workouts to show us the imperfect figure in Thor: Love and Thunder. The actor shared some details about his time filming the movie.
So far, most Marvel films don’t really bring any kind of nudity except for the Hulk film many years ago. This time, Chris Hemsworth and the film’s director Taika Waititi decided that they would do something different.
Thus far, Chris Hemsworth and Waititi added this extra zest. That is, the Thor actor being stripped completely in the nude.
At the premiere, Chris Hemsworth shared what his wife thought about the scene and relayed that she was pretty much cool with it and why wouldn’t she? The actor has a killer bod!
Before we get off track, Chris Hemsworth shared some exclusive details on the new Marvel film. One of these is the scene he has been waiting to do for more than 10 years.
The Thor: Love and Thunder star shared that he had been nude in a film in 2013 called Rush and that he wasn’t against the nude scene at all. As for his wife, she’s “seen it all” so it didn’t really bother her much.
On Monday night Hemsworth attended the movie premier with his wife Elsa Patakak and twin sons Sasha and Tristan. This is one of the rare occasions the star has brought his kids out in public.
According to 7News, Taika Waititi felt that Chris Hemsworth’s hard work should be shown off in the film.
“Apart from that… I mean personally, he’s worked so hard on all of that you know, it’d be weird not to show it. Don’t you think?
During one of his interviews, Hemsworth admitted that all he was given is a sock for his good down there. However, the star did not mind going fully nude on camera.