While there are some walking, talking Australian stereotypes, the majority of us are normal human beings and yearn to be recognised as such. So let’s get a few facts straight – here’s 18 commonly held perceptions about Aussies that need to be debunked:
1. We can actually live without our Vegemite

2. And we don’t throw shrimps on barbies (they are called prawns, dammit! And they rarely make it as far as a hot plate).

3. We don’t wash our grub down with Foster’s

4. ..or just any old beer, because we’re such alcoholics

5. Crikey, no we don’t even swim in the stuff

6. We weren’t all born surfing

7. And we probably haven’t survived a shark attack

8. …or even a crocodile or snake bite

9. We don’t all live right on the beach

10. …or slap bang in the middle of the Outback

11. We don’t always greet everyone, all the time, with “G’day, mate”

12. …while wearing a cork hat

13. We are not all extremely tanned

14. …because it’s only ever scorching in Australia

15. The place is not totally crawling with deadly animals everywhere you look

16. And we do not ride kangaroos to work

17. We don’t all just live for meat pies

18. And we dont just wear thongs, no matter what the weather

19. Because for us Aussies, less is not always more

Also view: ‘Straya’ – the hot new ‘Hey ya’ Australian anthem [VIDEO]