Categories: Entertainment

28 hilarious tweets that perfectly sum up being an adult

Being an adult is hard. We know that by now and to revel in the fact that everyone sucks at it every now and again helps to get us through the day – if only a little.

The following Twitter users shared some of their views on ‘adulting’ that are absolutely spot on – and just funny AF. If you’ve been balancing work, taxes, meetings and basic ‘adulting’ in a perpetually tired and sleep-deprived state, then you are not alone:

1. Well, they do say with age comes wisdom…

2. How else do you stay awake at work?

3. Luckily, there’s always something to be grateful for

4. Yes, well

5. The struggle is real

6. So many questions…

7. It’s like a movie

8. Apparently…

9. When you’re still getting used to that thing called work

10. It’s a real shocker

11. Eating your feelings?

12. When you’re not even interested in social media anymore

13. It happens

14. Don’t we all…

15. Like scheduling your doctor appointments?

16. It’s just the way it is

17. Maybe not that desperate?

18. Maybe there’s one upside?! Nobody can tell you what to do….

19. We’ve established we need caffeine…much appreciated advice!

20. There should be awards for being an adult….

21. Yes, you’ve got to learn somehow

22. Being an adult be like

23. When you have to own up to your responsibilities

24. In a nutshell

25. Assessing the situation like

26. Those darn interview questions…

27. Keeping it positive #worklife

28. Normal mode of communication

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Tags: lifestyle