
God’s favorite idiot: Netflix releases six episodes for season 1

God’s favorite idiot has offcially been released on Netflix and there is proabably some things you need to know about the series. 

Thus far, God’s favorite idiot is still fresh on Netflix and some opions are yet to be generated about it. But, one thing is for certain, Melissa McCarthy always delivers when it comes to comedy. 

What is God’s favorite idiot about?

To date, the series deals with an average clerk who is suddenly chosen by God to spread the good news among the people. Before this happens, Clark leads a normal life with his normal job. 

Melissa McCarthy plays the love interest of Clark in the new series. Photo: Netflix/Youtube

What does happen is that he has somewhat of a crush on his colleague. Who is played by Melissa McCarthy who plays Amily. Funny enough, Amily is the one who is the one who gets everyone worried about Clark who had begun to glow. 

Before telling her colleagues about her weird experience, Amily shares that Clark had been glowing and assures them that she has not been doing cocaine although she has done it before. 

How many episodes are there?

Preceding this, Clark was struck by lightning and given some supernatural powers. Evidently, Clark became God’s favorite idiot who is chosen to spread the gospel. 

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Now, about his crush Amily. Clark finds the courage at one point to ask her out on a date quite awkwardly and beams, quite literally when she finally says yes. Surprisingly, things start to blossom between the two.  

Thus far, God’s favorite idiot only has six episodes even though 16 were previously promised. According to The Guardian, there is no word on if more episodes is expected soon. 

The series is now available to watch on Netflix.

Shannon Alexander

Shannon Alexander is a writer who is fascinated by all things pop culture. The use of language in all its different forms has always intrigued her which ultimately led to her completing her Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics and Literature studies. Right now, she is passionate about telling stories that matter most to people. When she isn't writing away about your daily dose of celebrity news and entertainment, you can find her getting lost in a good thriller book.