
Kailia Posey tragically dies days after her prom celebration

Kailia Posey has done pageants throughout most of her life. She has participated in a variety of competitions since the age of three. 

Kailia Posey ends her life by suicide

Yesterday, her family shared a statement to TMZ on the reason for her death. Her mother told the news outlet that Kailia has sadly taken her own life on Monday.

Currently, this comes just two weeks after her sixteenth birthday and just days after Kailia Posey attended her prom celebration. The reasons for her death have not been given. 

“Although she was an accomplished teenager with a bright future ahead of her, unfortunately in one impetuous moment, she made the rash decision to end her earthly life,”

Marcy Posey

Beauty pageant queen

In February this year, Kailia Posey announced that she will be participating in another pageant competition for Miss Teen USA.


At just three years old, Kaila Posey was a viral sensation across the world. That is, with her cheeky grin on Toddlers and Tiaras. To date, the funny grin has been turned into a gif used everywhere.

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For many years, Kailia Posey has been very successful in her career and had considered becoming a pilot later in her life. Her mother shared that she had a good life ahead of her but has sadly rashly decided to end her life. 

Shannon Alexander

Shannon Alexander is a writer who is fascinated by all things pop culture. The use of language in all its different forms has always intrigued her which ultimately led to her completing her Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics and Literature studies. Right now, she is passionate about telling stories that matter most to people. When she isn't writing away about your daily dose of celebrity news and entertainment, you can find her getting lost in a good thriller book.