
Three ways for Australians to boost Monday motivation

Is your Monday motivation lacking? Wishing it was still the weekend? Don’t be too concerned, as you are not necessarily alone in the way you feel about the end of the weekend and the start of the new week. There are a good few ways to overcome this, though.

Keep keeping on toward that holiday

People who say they have turned their passion into a job can come across as a bit cheesy sometimes. You might not be able to relate – and really just view your job as a means to an end – and a pay cheque at the end of the month. Travel isn’t as easily accessible at the moment as it has been in the past, but one way of improving Monday motivation is by continuing to plot your next holiday regardless of current circumstances.

Perhaps you live in Darwin and want to head to Sydney at some stage. Maybe you live in Canberra and are thinking of heading to Melbourne. From the coast to inland and back again, there are plenty of lovely holiday places in Australia. Continue putting in place the elements needed to make this happen. Save your money. Investigate things to do in your chosen location. Plan the timelines from your departure to arrival and eventual exit.

View your week holistically

Rather than seeing your working week as five days in isolation and your weekend as two days set apart from that, perhaps you could look at it in different increments. Some people might not necessarily work Monday to Friday, but have a fourth or fifth working day on the weekend, too. They are the best examples of plotting pockets of non-work time throughout the week.

Make time for youself. Find those patches on either side of your work day – in the morning or evening – that are just for you and your focuses.

Focus good intentions on others

Indeed, there are times to be selfish. But there is as much, if not more time, to be selfless. Building into others can be among the best way to feel better about yourself. There are several studies that fixing less focus on ourselves – and more on those who need the attention – can rejuvenate, re-inspire and reinvigorate.

It has played out time and time again, where people get motivated all over again because what they have done has been to the benefit of others. Perhaps address with your colleagues at work on Monday, when you could compliment someone with kind words or perhaps offer to buy them lunch.

Jonhenry Wilson

As a digital specialist, I've proudly loved and served the industry for several years. From my start as a data analyst, to my progress as a writer, editor, content strategist and marketer, newsroom manager and company director - I've successfully turned my passion into a career.

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