Categories: Video

Huge huntsman spider drags mouse to its grisly doom [VIDEO]

This video (below) of a huntsman spider vertically dragging a mouse across a fridge has been viewed almost 8 million times and counting.

Beauty or beast? Arachnophobe viewer discretion is advised, that’s for sure!

‘Hermie the Huntsman’ as it’s so affectionately been named, has become a global celebrity after being caught on camera by Jason Womal from Queensland, strutting his eight-legged stuff with a gob-full of rodent.

“So I am just about to leave for work about 0030 and me neighbour says ‘You want to see something cool’ and I say ‘Hell yeah’,” Womal wrote on his Facebook page.

“So we proceed to his place and he shows me this. Huntsman trying to eat a mouse.”

The freakishly hungry Hermie has become an overnight sensation, featuring on news sites across the world.

That’s right folks, we told you the spiders were big Down Under.

*With Ezra Claymore

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