“ME THE PEOPLE” is Donald’s Trump narcissistic rewrite of the Constitution of the United States, now pulped to a mere three word slogan.
It’s all about him. It’s always been about him.
His campaign was “all about me”. His presidency is “all about me”. Not about the people.
One doesn’t have to be a forensic psychologist to see that.
His bloated ego is an ugly piece of work. Every gesture, every uttterance, even instructions to his busy minions and revisionist court jesters, is orchestrated to feed his self-aggrandisement.
He sups on a turgid swill of his own concoction and irritating fabrication. He expects us to also swallow this toxic brew, like the tragic lemmings of the Jonestown Massacre.
And if you don’t like that slogan, try this:
This self-proclaimed messiah to America’s complicated ills that are magnifications of our own, has signed with flourishing braggadocio, dozens of memorandums, drafts and executive orders designed to enhance the Trump brand, his personal image and political machismo; ostensibly fulfilling his election promises.
Donald Trump signs Anti-Abortion Executive Order while completely surrounded by middle aged men. pic.twitter.com/7Byh5QV7gn
— James Melville
(@JamesMelville) January 23, 2017
Here’s the list so far, hot off the White House website:
Presidential Actions
Proclamation on January 26, 2017
- National School Choice Week 2017 Proclamation
Related OMB Material on January 26, 2017
- Statement from OMB Director Mark Sandy on Budgetary Impact Analysis for Executive Order Entitled “Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal”
Executive Order on January 25, 2017
- Executive Order: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements
Executive Order on January 25, 2017
- Executive Order: Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States
Related OMB Material on January 25, 2017
- Memorandum: Immediate Actions and Initial Guidance for Federal Civilian Hiring Freeze
Presidential Memorandum on January 24, 2017
- Presidential Memorandum Streamlining Permitting and Reducing Regulatory Burdens for Domestic Manufacturing
Presidential Memorandum on January 24, 2017
- Presidential Memorandum Regarding Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline
Presidential Memorandum on January 24, 2017
- Presidential Memorandum Regarding Construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline
Executive Order on January 24, 2017
- Executive Order Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects
Presidential Memorandum on January 24, 2017
- Presidential Memorandum Regarding Construction of American Pipelines
Presidential Memorandum on January 23, 2017
- Presidential Memorandum Regarding the Mexico City Policy
Presidential Memorandum on January 20, 2017
- Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Executive Order on January 20, 2017
- Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
But showbiz aside, even though both chambers – the Senate and House of Representatives – are awash with Republicans, Trump is going to have a fight about his sleight of hands to ratify particular edicts, from recalcitrants within his own nervous tribe, including former POW Senator John McCain who has again just repeated his long-standing defiance of the illegal state torturing of prisoners of war.
Let’s face it, Trump didn’t need GOP HQ or card carrying mentors to secure his campaign juggernaut or the presidency, or to fund or support him. He’s taken them along for the rodeo ride.
So far each assenting presidential signature continues to diminish, and encroach upon the rights and freedoms of the individual not only in the United States but throughout the world; such is the international power that America has not only squirrelled and imposed, but has also been bequeathed by timid ingratiates, reliant on the superpower’s quid pro quo, Australia included.
With Trump in the Oval office, here in the land of the Opal office, we note we are being short-changed.
He’s not making America great again. He’s making America grate again.
Far from uniting America, in little more than a week, the nascent 45th President and his Administration have thrown a series of improvised exploding devices into the swelling crowds of dissent that display hallmarks more akin to despots and dictators than a supposedly democratically elected head of state.
Watching this uber pathalogical narcissist at work, already it is becoming increasingly clear that he is not going to be a president for all Americans, but only for his kind of Americans — whatever that might mean.
The reality is, the concierges in the various towering Trump hotels and resorts wouldn’t allow real and hurting Americans over their thresholds; those poor, tired, hungry and huddled masses would be regarded as unwanted and illegal societal immigrants from another world; that other America where dwells the have-nots.
Regardless of the silly spin by Trump and his chorus troupe Trumpets, the fact remains that Donald J. Trump was NOT elected by the majority of Americans, but Hillary Clinton was – by close to three million votes.
I think they voted for #DonaldTrump. So #Trump lost the popular vote by 8 million votes. Very sad. Believe me folks, trust me, very sad. pic.twitter.com/SfZ89pmFAB
— Curtis (@ZonkerPA) January 26, 2017
The lost chord in all of this is the Electoral College. It voted in Trump. Not the people.
But Trump’s ego can’t handle this inconvenient truth.
As Colonel Jessep snarled in that unforgetable scene from Aaron Sorkin’s brilliant screenplay in A Few Good Men, when asked if he had ordered a “Code Red”, Trump “can’t handle the truth!”
The thought that more people voted for Hillary Clinton than him is anathema to Trump.
He refuses to countenance such a possibility, and claims there were millions of illegal voters and now intends to launch an investigation based on his own spurious claims.
But hey, remember what Trump said about the Green Party’s Jill Stein and her campaign for a recount ?
He said the bid was “ridiculous”.
“The people have spoken and the election is over, and as Hillary Clinton herself said on election night, in addition to her conceding by congratulating me, ‘We must accept this result and then look to the future.”
How ironical that Jessep goes on to mention walls:
“Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns.”
When Trump despatched his Press Secretary Sean Spicer to threaten and berrate the media on several things, but mainly about the indisputable evidence that his inauguration crowd fell far short to that of President Barack Obama’s, the pitiful lackey did his aggrieved master’s bidding without any sense of irony or indeed reality with almost histrionic fervour.
The fact that millions of people throughout the world witnessed this fact for themselves in real time did not deter the preposterous attempt by Spicer parroting Trump’s instructions to transmogrify a lie into the truth and yet putting forward a number of excuses as to why the numbers were lower.
Spicer took no prisoners. He took no questions either and stormed off.
His five minute speech was yet another manifestation of Trump’s facile but dangerous insistence that he is the best loved.
He is delusional and utterly obsessed with himself. This is not only dangerous to America.
It is dangerous to our world.
He is as a White Narcissus in the famed rose garden at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
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Feature courtesy of IndependentAustralia.net
TOP IMAGE: Courtesy of LittleGreenFootballs.com