The famed British wit has trumped the infamously hysterical Fox News after one of its pundits presented some blatantly outrageous lies as ‘facts’.
Speaking on the notoriously loud, Murdoch owned, right wing US news channel, regular commentator and supposed “terrorism expert” Steven Emerson claimed that the city of Birmingham was “totally Muslim” and was full of no-go areas for a white minority (#actualfact: latest census figures put the non-Muslim population of Birmingham at 80%). He also claimed religious police patrolled some London streets, enforcing the wearing of Islamic attire.
“In Britain, it’s not just no-go zones, there are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in,” he said while discussing the fallout from the Charlie Hebdo massacre.
“And, parts of London, there are actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn’t dress according to religious Muslim attire,” he said.
Hyperbolic presenter ‘Judge’ Jeanine Pirro encourages Emerson, suggesting: “You know what it sounds like to me, Steve? It sounds like a caliphate, within a particular country.”
View the full clip, above.
Emerson later issued a full apology on his website, saying he was “totally in error”, but not before potentially millions of Americans had consumed the outrageous lies.
Twitter explodes with #FoxNewsFacts
And the Twitterverse erupted. Voices of reason back across the pond responded with equally absurd and farcical #FoxNewsFacts (a hashtag promoted by the channel) of their own, dripping in deliciously acerbic and hilarious British humour, such as:
Islamic head coverings now prevalent across Britain #foxnewsfacts
— Chris Kennett (@chriskennett) January 12, 2015
Legislation passed in Islamified Britain forcing the Queen of England to don a traditional headscarf #FoxNewsFacts — Abdul Mufeez Shaheed (@abdulmshaheed) January 12, 2015
In birmingham, buildings wear the burqa #foxnewsfacts
— Malcolm Coles (@malcolmcoles) January 11, 2015
A church in Brighton was demolished by the caliphate to build this mosque #FoxNewsFacts — Jules Mattsson (@julesmattsson) January 11, 2015
The original name of the show was MiddleEastEnders. The BBC dropped the “Middle” to conceal its creeping sharia agenda. #foxnewsfacts
— Dan Murphy (@bungdan) January 11, 2015
#FoxNewsFacts The Birmingham Bullring is Britain’s largest mosque and receives daily jihad orders directly from Mecca — Stuart Gibson (@stuartgibson) January 11, 2015
#FoxNewsFacts In some parts of England even dogs have to wear hijabs
— Fabsternation (@fabsternation) January 11, 2015
Prince charles also had a traditional muslim wedding after sharia law was passed in the UK.
In Birmingham, the local death squads go by the name of Quran Quran. #foxnewsfacts — David Jack (@DamJef) January 11, 2015
Mullah Jasper El Carrot He has ruled Birmingham for decades. #foxnewsfacts
— Craig Chez (@ccchez) January 11, 2015
#foxnewsfacts — Fifthcolumnblue (@Fifthcolumnblue) January 11, 2015
In Birmingham 1 in 4 men choose to wear a burka #FoxNewFacts
— MickMcAvoy (@mickmcavoy) January 11, 2015
Birmingham City Mosque is among the tallest and most sacred in all Islam. #FoxNewsFacts
— Peter Moore (@petermoore) January 11, 2015
One Direction is named as such due to the direction of Muslim prayer. Their music is subliminal Wahhabi propaganda. #FoxNewsFacts
— Dan (@dankmtl) January 11, 2015
The city is now called Birming because Ham is not halal. #foxnewsfacts
— Kamila Shamsie (@kamilashamsie) January 11, 2015