
Hero lifeguard recognised for his bravery in saving young girl

When an 8-year-old girl was swept on her body board out of Newcastle’s Canoe Pool, onto the rocks and into the ocean during a 14-foot dangerous swell in January, City of Newcastle lifeguard Mick Body sprang into action.

He moved quickly along the rock shelf and dived into the treacherous surf conditions, rescuing the young girl who was struggling to stay above the rough water.

Body, who was subsequently joined by another lifeguard, Luke Kelly, held onto her and navigated the large swell to return her to the safety of shore and her frantic family.

It was heroism and selfless dedication in the best traditions of the ‘bronzed Aussie lifeguard’.

Highest award in the lifesaving profession

It is this display of courage, professionalism and experience that has earned Body an Australian Professional Ocean (APOLA) Lifeguard Association Meritorious Service Award, the highest accolade in the profession.

The man who has worked as a professional lifeguard for almost 20 years said he was honoured to receive the National Award and to be recognised for doing a job he loves and is passionate about.

“It was a surprise, but definitely an honour to be recognised with this award,” Body told the media and dignitaries.

“During large swells, waves engulf the Canoe Pool and then bounce off the side of the ocean baths, creating a strong side wash which catches people by surprise. I’m pleased our rescue that day avoided an almost certain drowning.”

Praise for quick thinking and decisive action

He continued: “As lifeguards we have the best office in the world. Every day is new and that is exciting. The beauty of working on the beach is that we are ambassadors for our city and meet people from all over who come here to enjoy themselves.”

Newcastle Lord Mayor, Nuatali Nelmes, praised the quick-thinking and decisive action.

“Our lifeguards provide an absolutely invaluable service to our community and regularly go beyond the call of duty to keep our community safe,” the Lord Mayor said.

“Without Mick’s bravery, advanced skills and knowledge of the beach, the outcome would have certainly been a tragic one.”

According to the City of Newcastle, each surf season its lifeguards save on average 100 lives and perform more than 15,000 preventative actions as more than one million people visit local beaches.

Mike Simpson

Mike Simpson has been in the media industry for 25-plus years. He writes on finance, the economy, general business, marketing, travel, lifestyle and motoring.

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