Islamic State has been attacked… with rubber ducks.
A week after vigilante hacker group Anonymous “declared war” against the terror group also known as ISIS, ISIL and Daesh, following this month’s devastating Paris attacks, users of imageboard 4chan decided to join the fight, launching their own yellow anti-jihad.
“How about castrating the image of Isis by replacing the faces on ALL the propaganda photos with bath ducks?” a 4chan user proposed.
The idea of employing humour to beat back Islamic State’s propaganda message of murder and Dark Ages mayhem caught on, the meme soon flooding the social media with modified images of the bloodthirsty, black clad extremists. The frightening jihadi psychopaths are now just silly duckheads (see below).
It is also reported that Anonymous have targetted Twitter accounts sympathetic to ISIS, ‘Rick Rolling’ them with Rick Astley’s cheesy 80s pop classic, ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’.