
Man Suffers Fatal Injuries After Falling 13 Metres In Rock Climbing Gym

Days after the NSW eased restrictions, a man has suffered fatal injuries at a rock climbing gym in Sydney.

Its been exactly two days since restrictions have been eased, allowing many franchises to re-open their doors.

Upon the arrival of the paramedics, it has been established that the individual suffered from fatal injuries (head and chest injuries). The incident is said to have taken place before midday.

After the incident has been reported, NSW police also reported to the scene following the news that a man has fallen. However, paramedics could not bring the individual back, and has sadly died on the scene. It is understood the man was aged 30.

Since then, the police established a crime scene and will be investigating the matter surrounding the fall that has taken place.

At present, the gym notified its audience closure of the gym for the remainder of Wednesday and Thursday. Until a thorough investigation takes place at the gym, it will be remaining closed.

As the individual fell to his death “Inquiries are ongoing” a spokesperson said. With regards to safety, it is uncertain whether the individual had the necessary protection given the length of the wall.

More is still to come as the investigation proceeds.

Shannon Alexander

Shannon Alexander is a writer who is fascinated by all things pop culture. The use of language in all its different forms has always intrigued her which ultimately led to her completing her Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics and Literature studies. Right now, she is passionate about telling stories that matter most to people. When she isn't writing away about your daily dose of celebrity news and entertainment, you can find her getting lost in a good thriller book.

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