
Princess Charlene Returns To Monaco After Months in South Africa

Princess Charlene returned to Monaco after spending several months in South Africa.

After spending several months in South Africa, Princess Charlene is finally reunited with her family in Monaco.

During her stay in her homeland, the Princess was forced to stay a bit longer as a result of an ear, nose, and throat infection which caused her to collapse.

Charlene was initially meant to remain in South Africa, where she traveled in mid-May, only for a few days to work on conservation projects with her foundation.

Princess Charlene Finally Reunited

The Princess has since been reunited with her two children – Princess Gabrielle and Prince Jacques as well as her husband Prince Albert.

The pair eloped in the year 2011 and her recent stay in South Africa sparked rumours that there might be trouble in paradise. The claims were, however, denied by the family.

Princess Charlene – who swam for South Africa in the 2000 Olympic Games, arrived on a private jet in nearby Nice in the morning this week.

In recent images, the family is captured walking their dog together in the principality.

The photographs show Charlene wearing a protective mask gathered with her family in front of the white stairways.

We trust that her time in South Africa was a refreshing one.

Shannon Alexander

Shannon Alexander is a writer who is fascinated by all things pop culture. The use of language in all its different forms has always intrigued her which ultimately led to her completing her Bachelor of Arts degree in Linguistics and Literature studies. Right now, she is passionate about telling stories that matter most to people. When she isn't writing away about your daily dose of celebrity news and entertainment, you can find her getting lost in a good thriller book.

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