ServiceWA is the new mode of carrying your proof of vaccination in Western Australia. In this way, Australians will have an easier and more convenient way of accessing government services.
As Western Australia prepares to re-open in February, the likeness of the Omicron variant to enter the community is inevitable. With the new app in place, the state should be able to better control the pandemic.
So, the SafeWA is still around to give Australians the platform for accessing services. At some point, the app will eventually stop working so it is recommended that ServiceWA be accessed and downloaded as soon as possible.
According to Mandurah Mail, ServiceWA will make proof of vaccination requirements more robust. Features like the live clock timer, shimmering coat of arms, and animated certificate tick that prove the user’s COVID-19 digital certificate is authentic.
Now, in addition to accessing proof of vaccination via the app, users who set up their online profile on the ServiceWA app will be able to access information on where to get tested for Covid, nearby coronavirus infections, or any other Covid related information. The app is also set to have additional Covid information in the future.
Australians will essentially have access to all the important coronavirus information in one place. With the Covid response changing, the app is the best way to navigate a way forward.
People won’t have to show identification to other businesses or venues when using or signing up on the new Covid-19 app. This means there is no fuss in getting statistics or giving proof that you have been vaccinated.