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Top qualities that make an impressionable leader

There are billions of people occupying our planet right now, yet only a handful make their mark on history, or have some sort of significant impact in the world. Mistakenly, many people believe that they have to do big things to be considered a leader, but this is far from the truth. Being a leader has nothing to do with how big your actions are. It is about how you implement those actions. One could be a leader in school, in their community, at their office and so on. There are significant qualities that are evident in a leader, often before they even know it themselves. They just need to be crafted and honed, so they can be utilised for doing good.


A leader that keeps talking is not one that is paying much attention to what they are being told, which means that they have absolutely no idea about what they are supposed to be doing. Anybody can do a lot of things, but that does not necessarily mean they are productive. Hence, the first quality a leader-in-the-making should have is listening. Good listeners spend time understanding and ascertaining situations and people, allowing them to approach problems differently to those who are not.

Analytical and Critical Thinking

Professional leadership training helps to do what was mentioned earlier: crafting and honing leadership skills. Analytical and critical thinking is essential, as it is necessary to view things with an unbiased view, and in the clearest way possible. Strategic planning is a core part of this, as leaders need this on a day-to-day basis. Not only are they then able to effectively assess current situations, they can also be best prepared for what is to come, and develop measures of mitigating the effects of anything negative.


Corrupt leaders are not good leaders. In fact, they are not leaders at all. It does not matter how good you might be at making decisions if you are not honest. Complete honesty in everything you do in all circumstances is the driving force of a leader, and must be maintained. If you hope to achieve success as one in any capacity, you should first and foremost understand this well. Dishonest leaders do not remain leaders for long, not to mention earn no respect.

Being Humble

Humility is another trait that every good leader has. Swaggering around just because you feel like you have control over others is not going to take you very far. You need to be able to work closely with people, putting yourself in their shoes and approaching things objectively. Being humble allows you to really focus on the matters at hand, instead of building castles in the air. As a leader, you should not only lead, but also sometimes follow, showing those who look up to you that they can have complete trust in you. Always remember this, because leaders who thought they were invincible have often fallen hard from grace. It involves the whole package, so be sure

Australian Times

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