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VIDEO | Media pack abandon Scott Morrison mid press conference

OPPOSITION immigration spokesman Scott Morrison was left looking red-faced as a dozen journalists abandoned a press conference he’d called outside Canberra’s Parliament House to chase down Labor rival Joel Fitzgibbon.

Federal MP Mr Morrison was talking to journalists and cameraman on Wednesday, when the media pack suddenly abandoned him mid sentence after they saw former government whip Mr Fitzgibbon heading to his car.

Mr Fitzgibbon made headlines earlier this week for making a joke on TV in response to questions about the latest opinion polls showing Labor heading for a massive electoral defeat.

Mr Morrison was left looking awkwardly at the journalists departing backs, saying “it’s alright”, before the media pack returned to continue the conference.

“That’ll warm you up,” Mr Morrison joked to the reporters.

Alex Ivett

Leaving the world of law behind, Alex found a way to take advantage of London's amazing capacity for reinvention and is a former editor of Australian Times.