Today’s weather forecast for 25 April 2022 can be seen below.

We are currently in Autumn, which occurs during the transition months March, April and May.

Overview for today’s Weather Forecast

Be sure to wear sunblock as we have one of the highest levels of UV exposure and highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Sun protection measures are recommended when the UV Index is 3 and above. Remember you can still get burnt on cool or cloudy days – so think UV, not heat.


Max temperature: 22°

Forecast: Showers.


Max temperature: 21°

Forecast: Partly cloudy.


Max temperature: 25°

Forecast: Shower or two.


Max temperature: 29°

Forecast: Late showers.


Max temperature: 25°

Forecast: Partly cloudy.


Max temperature: 17°

Forecast: Becoming cloudy.


Max temperature: 20°

Forecast: Morning fog, mostly sunny day.


Max temperature: 34°

Forecast: Sunny.

Weather data provided by the Bureua of Meterology, Australia. For a detailed forecast of your area, click here.

Don’t miss out on the daily weather, stay up to date by following the weather forecast here.


Adamu Andrew is a professional journalist from Tanzania. He holds a BA in Mass Communication from St.Augustine University of Tanzania. He is currently working with The South African on its static content like weather, daily horoscopes, newspaper front pages and traffic.

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