Categories: News

Winner of UK elections is #dogsatpollingstations

As the counters carry on tallying the votes, David Cameron carries on governing and Labour and the Lib-Dems count their bruises, British dog owners are having a ball on Twitter.

The #dogsatpollingstations hashtag started with a discussion by animal lovers about whether or not their ‘best friend’ could accompany them into the voting booth or not during Thursday’s UK elections.

Here is a collection of adorable “dogs for democracy” that are either patiently waiting outside – or being carried – into the voting station.

It’s a dog’s life after all!

Double trouble?!

Oh, you bet I’m the Queen.

I’m just gonna guard this sign.

I’m just gonna hang out here…

Did we have to leave the house for this? Really?!

All dressed up and nowhere to go.

Ah, cute…

Why only have dogs? That’s so exclusive!

This election is all just to much!

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