Australia disagrees but Turnbull dithers as Abbott sools Dutton’s homophobia
OPINION: Egged on by Abbott et al, Dutton leads the charge against marriage equality while PM Turnbull just looks on, writes TESS LAWRENCE.
OPINION: Egged on by Abbott et al, Dutton leads the charge against marriage equality while PM Turnbull just looks on, writes TESS LAWRENCE.
ANALYSIS & OPINION: A federal parliamentary committee has recommended foreign citizens and entities be banned from making political donations.
The Western Australia state election is set to be close, with Pauline Hanson's One Nation potentially taking the balance of power in the upper house. WA overseas voters are being encouraged to have their say.
OPINION: The shaming of veterans and Centrelink debt victims must stop before there is further injury, writes TESS LAWRENCE.
ANALYSIS: The prime minister calls out One Nation's Pauline Hanson over her stance on vaccination and praise for Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
A disastrous Newspoll showing the Coalition trailing Labor 45-55%, One Nation gaining ground and Malcolm Turnbull’s ratings falling will fuel the alarm and anger in the Coalition as it returns to parliament in the wake of Tony Abbott’s outburst.
ANALYSIS: Israel can count on only a handful of friends on the international stage. Australia is one of them. While the government says it is opposed to “one-sided resolutions against Israel”, four Labor statesmen – Bob Hawke, Bob Carr, Kevin Rudd and Gareth Evans – have called for diplomatic recognition ...
OPINION: Malcolm Turnbull's "know your place" speech was terrific, writes TESS LAWRENCE.
"The level of public disenchantment with the major parties, the lack of confidence in our political process and the concern about the direction of our nation is very, very strong. This is a direct product of us, the political class, being out of touch with the hopes and aspirations of ...
President Donald Trump celebrates Australia Day and close ties, in the same week he pulls out of TPP and threatens to end visa-waiver program.
OPINION: Sussan Ley will have breached the standards if she was found not to be acting in the public interest, or if her entitlement claims are judged to be illegitimate. But the rules on claiming ministerial entitlements are unclear and very complex.
Bald-faced lies are, thankfully, fairly rare in Australian politics. Being caught in an outright fib or blooper is still seen as shameful. The problem in Australia is that facts and statistics are frequently twisted to paint a misleading picture.
OPINION: Peaceful activism and protest is our right so keep calm and get a grip, Christopher, writes TESS LAWRENCE.
The settlement follows days of confusion, with key players changing position, and months of uncertainty for farmers.
Question Time was suspended on Wednesday amid chaotic scenes as pro-refugee activists disrupted the chamber.
Treasurer Scott Morrison says so-called 'backpacker tax' negotiations will be finalised "this week".
OPINION: Peter Dutton, the minister for crimmigration and incrimmigration, has a distaste and contempt for refugees that borders on hate, writes TESS LAWRENCE.
OPINION: The spectre of George Brandis fossicking about for a "G spot" is just too horrid to contemplate; notwithstanding the other politicians already mentioned. So don't read this article more than once. It could put you off sex for ever.
Australia's politicians have almost unanimously condemned Donald Trump's comments about sexually molesting women. Almost... Pauline Hanson suggests cutting him some slack.
Senior policy advisor expresses regret for embarrasing Australian government as part of so-called 'Budgie Nine' controversy.
The Australian government has flinched on its proposed 32.5% rate of so-called backpacker tax. Working holiday maker age to increase though.
Half of Aussies agree with right-wing xenophobe Pauline Hanson that Muslim migration into the country should be stopped, survey reveals.
A three-way regional war of words has erupted in the chambers of Australian power... over the humble Chiko Roll.
“A plebiscite will be harmful, it’ll be divisive, it’ll be expensive and we should never put questions of human rights to an opinion poll," Senator Di Natale said.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announces Royal Comission following appalling footage of child mistreatment aired on Four Corners.
"After the longest campaign in 50 years, this could well be one of the shortest parliaments in 50 years," Shorten says, telling Labor to be ready to go back to the polls.
"There is no doubt that there is a level of disillusionment with politics, with government, and with the major parties. Our own included," Mr Turnbull admits as vote counting continues.
Bullish ALP leader Bill Shorten says situation is "farcical" and Malcolm Turnbull has "Brexited himself".
VIDEO: A taste of things to come... Cheeky Senator Sam Dastyari is looking forward to having One Nation's Pauline Hanson back in parliament.
Australians in London who are still yet to vote in the 2016 Federal Election need to get down to Australia House.
Eligible Australian voters living, working or holidaying overseas need to act now to make sure their vote counts in the 2016 federal election, says AEC.
Easily the best thing so far to come out of this otherwise mind-numbingly boring Aussie election.
Australia House in London is the biggest polling station in federal elections, either at home or abroad. In 2013, over 15,000 votes were cast there. And here we go again... Dates and times to have your say.
OPINION: Australia’s Constitution does not protect our freedom of speech. It should be amended to. It’s time to speak out against repressive policing of speech and political correctness whilst we still can, before they brand even that as 'offensive.'
Home-brand milk left on shelves as Aussie consumer #MilkedDry boycott continues, while the government announces loans rescue package for desperate farmers.
Labor opposition leader Bill Shorten halts election campaign after aiding crash victims.
Victims, survivors and leaders gather in Tasmania to mark the 20th anniversary of the tragic Port Arthur killing spree.
We'll give you a hint; she sits on a front bench in Canberra and wants you to enrol to vote.
Double dissolution election is about giving the people their say, says Prime Minister Turnbull.
Malcolm Turnbull wells up when discussing Indigenous Australian culture and experiences with Stan Grant during interview at The Lodge.
Opposition leader trades insults with senator over investigation in to program aimed at stopping bullying of gay and transgender students.
Documents released under freedom of information detail lavish London dinner for then prime minister thrown by his former government colleague, Alexander Downer.
An amendment to parliamentary rules means that nursing MPs may now breastfeed their babies on the floor of the lower house chamber of Australia’s parliament.
EXCLUSIVE! Tony Abbott's New Year's Dishonours List found behind sofa cushion in Monkey Pod Room. By contributing sleuth-at-large, Shylock Moriarty Agapanthus Poirot Holmes.
The waves are lapping at our Pacific Island neighbours' doors and all our political leaders can do is laugh, writes Tess Lawrence.
Tony Abbott snubbed by Her Majesty after being dumped as PM.
Malcolm Turnbull sets off to meet 20 world leaders on his first global mission as prime minister.
Queen agrees to Malcolm Turnbull’s doing away with Aussie knights and dames.
Special contributor TESS LAWRENCE says with Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister it is time for Opposition Leader Bill Shorten to disappear… completely.
Wait a minute. Are you telling me the NSW premier appeared for an interview... out of a DeLorean?
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