Scott Morrison tests positive for Covid-19 on Tuesday
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has tested positive for Covid-19 but will continue to carry out his duties as Prime Minister while isolating.
COVID-19 is the human disease caused by a novel coronavirus discovered in 2019, responsible for the global pandemic in 2020.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has tested positive for Covid-19 but will continue to carry out his duties as Prime Minister while isolating.
Queen Elizabeth has tested positive for the coronavirus after being in close contact with Prince Charles and will be isolated.
The Tamworth Country Music Festival set to take place next week has been postponed. A shorter event is set to take place in April.
The first case of Flurona has been detected in Israel and has become a wide topic of interest all around the world amid the Omicron variant.
While working on the Broadway show to be released in January, Hugh Jackman tests positive for Covid-19 contracted by a cast member.
From midnight tonight, Kiwis can travel to Australia without the need to quarantine, country’s Chief Medical Officer advises.
Private health body has been pushing for booster shots for several months amidst concern that workers’ immunity may be dropping.
New Zealand says it is mandating vaccinations for workers at businesses where customers need to show Covid Vaccination Certificates.
Around 130,000 people rolled up their sleeves yesterday in a bumper Covid vaccination drive that means 65% of Kiwis are now fully vaccinated.
International study led by University of Queensland academics finds that women and young people in Covid-wracked countries are hardest hit.
As British workers prepare for a return to the office, researchers warn of disruption while everyone determines what works – and doesn’t.
Hospitals and mortuaries in Australia’s island neighbour said to be at capacity as new infections strain the country’s medical services.
‘First Things First’ campaign mobilises all Australians to get vaccinated and particularly speaks to a younger age group, says minister.
A combination of vaccinations, public health measures and global determination to combat the disease all make eradication feasible.
Australian scientists have identified some of the few benefits of lockdowns: Young kids sleep more and adults are less drowsy
Jubilant Victorians may now leave their homes for any reason, business can reopen, and restaurants are able to offer seated service.
New study shows how Covid accelerated long-term trends that are fundamentally changing top-level Australian sport.
Police union in SA calls for security officers to be recruited so that front-line policing is not continually depleted by Covid-related duties.
Christian group says the country has a record of helping “our mates” and should get behind US President Biden’s latest efforts.
First repatriation flight since the Government-mandated pause arrives in Darwin today, with the next flight scheduled for 23 May.
Although Britain hopes to do away with social distancing next month, many workers won’t be back in the office, survey finds.
Chartered Qantas flight left Sydney yesterday with ventilators and other equipment for Indian medical personnel. More will follow.
As central business districts struggle due to so many people working from home, Melbourne has a plan to lure them back – at least on Fridays.
Six-year-old was pretending to host a tea party and drank the sanitiser from a teacup. She suffered acute intoxication.
Soaring iron ore prices are making a massive contribution to the national coffers and pushing the resources sector to new heights.
Indian flights banned until at least mid-May as its virus crisis grows. Australia is to urgently despatch medical supplies to assist.
The suspension of flights is intended to prevent transmission crossing borders, as cases in India surge.
Some emotions are more difficult to recognise with Covid masks. But, in general, recognition is no less than difficult than with sunglasses.
The latest round of the Regional Travel Voucher Scheme saw 50,000 vouchers taken in under four minutes by travel-hungry Victorians.
More than $8-million is known to have been stolen from Australians in Covid-related scams and more are likely during vaccine rollout.
The aim is to prepare for ‘a safe and happy return’ to favourite shops, cafes, pubs, restaurants, beaches and other summer activities.
While the country’s elimination strategy has been successful, it was much more difficult and expensive to deliver than it needed to be.
No one is better placed in the community to help administer vaccines to elderly and high-risk groups than local GPs, says Government.
Consumer Travel Reimbursement Scheme is recovering money owed to New Zealanders by overseas travel suppliers.
Clever new initiatives are required to get tourism-dominated economies flourishing again. For some, diversification may be the only option.
International experts say a dozen issues must be addressed before passports can be introduced to make travel a reality.
Increased growth of Asian forest habitats favoured by bats could have played a direct role in the emergence of the pandemic.
Researchers confirm that the pandemic has escalated psychological distress – including anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress.
The annual race in Melbourne was originally planned as the March opener to the 2021 season, but has now been rescheduled for late November.
Retail research body says more than 170,000 high street jobs went last year and warns that even more could go in 2021.
Opposition asks why money is being spent on marketing in the UK and Germany at a time when foreign tourists cannot travel.
Hard-hit energy giant has announced another write-down that will shave a further US$4.5-billion from its assets.
International travel uncertainties mean some visa program applicants will no longer need to leave Australia to complete their process.
Nearly 70% of those who shared with housemates, parents or in-laws are now keen to get a foot on the property ownership ladder.
Premier says state needs an urgent ‘circuit-breaker’ to prevent a second-wave virus outbreak similar to Victoria.
Great news for those Australians who are out of work in historically high numbers and also a win for the economy, says retail body.
Remarkably, there’s a kiss-and-cuddle going on between Burger King and McDonald’s after the former says people should support its rivals.
First group of dogs are being trained to detect the virus on people in places such as railway stations and airports.
Banking giant sees profits drop by 42% in year plagued by bushfires and the virus. Market is relaxed and says decrease expected.
South Australian Tourism Commission pulls the plug on the event, which has been a fixture on the local calendar for more than 20 years.
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