Aussie garden wins Best in Show at the Chelsea Flower Show
Australia’s audacious garden design has won the top prize at the prestigious Chelsea Flower Show in London for the first time.
Australia’s audacious garden design has won the top prize at the prestigious Chelsea Flower Show in London for the first time.
View the digital edition of this week’s FREE Australian Times newspaper, available every Tuesday across London.
Australian news organisations have reported that Prince Harry will join the Australian Army for a six-month period on secondment later this year, with UK royal officials currently assessing the security risks that such a deployment would involve.
ANZAC DAY IN LONDON | In a solemn and moving dawn service at the Australian War Memorial at Hyde Park Corner, High Commissioner Mike Rann paid tribute to our fallen comrades, and the architects of who and what we are today. The full transcript of his address is below.
Twenty three candidates from the UK have made it through to the next stage of Tourism Australia’s ‘Best Jobs in the World’ competition.
Australia House will open its doors in the name of charity on Thursday 16 May, as it plays host to a quiz night to raise money for the Spinal Research Foundation.
Thousands of Australians and New Zealanders are expected to gather at services across London on Thursday 25 April 2013 to commemorate Anzac Day.
An Anzac Day message from Australian High Commissioner His Excellency Mike Rann to Australians living in the UK.
View the digital edition of this week’s FREE Australian Times newspaper, available every Tuesday across London.
Kurt Fearnley spent most of the London marathon hiding from the wind and conserving energy before exploding past his rivals out of the last corner.
LOST IN LONDON | There's only one thing worse than the cross-continental set-up from well meaning Aussie friends and family this Valentine's Day. Being the third wheel on someone else's blind date.
Award-winning Australian musical The Hatpin makes its European debut in London, retelling the chilling true story of one mother’s desperate plight to retrieve her missing child.
There is nothing quite like that feeling of standing in an empty country field, staring up at a million stars set against a deep expanse of black. Help recreate that feeling with the winning images of the Royal Observatory’s Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition.
Can Australians tell a tale to top all others? Come find out at the London Storytelling Festival, where three Australians - comic and radio presenter Sarah Bennetto, screenwriter and comic Deborah Frances-White and comic storyteller Asher Treleaven — will entertain and engage with their funny fables.
The fourth annual International Wimbledon Music Festival runs from 10 - 25 November, and offers a feast of world-class music making in the heart of South West London, with links to other music festivals in Australia, the US and Canada.
After getting stabbed on a London bus Australian Timba Smits took time out to recover and re-group, before setting up a community-based organisation to tackle youth disengagement and inspire upcoming artists, culminating in the Kaleidoscope International Creative Festival this November.
ASTUTE AUSSIE IN LONDON | My English friends always point out how easy going we Australians are and how happily Aussies say “yes” to most things. However, whether at work or at home, always saying “yes” can sometimes put us between a rock and a hard place. Learn how to ...
REVIEW | Sunday at the Apartment, 30 September 2012
REVIEW | Kimbra @ The Union Chapel, 19 September
Whether it’s Barney from How I Met Your Mother shooting fireballs to get a girls number, or ‘Dynamo’ pulling a Jesus and walking across the Thames, magic is back!
Ronny Chieng once claimed that if he had his own Wikipedia page all his dreams would be fulfilled and he would stop working.
The National Gallery at Trafalgar Square is renowned as home to some of civilisations most iconic works of art, from van Gogh’s Sunflowers to da Vinci’s Virgin on the Rocks.
Ah, the London dating scene. Scary, intimidating, so many rules… And there’s a fair share of players out there too. Luckily there’s enough dating events in London to keep even Hugh Heffner happy.
LOST IN LONDON | For those of you that know me, you’ll know that sometimes the mere act of standing upright is a challenge, let alone propelling forward in a horizontal motion (otherwise known as walking). And that’s when there is a clear path ahead of me, and the occasional ...
LOST IN LONDON | Back in Australia when I was picturing myself in London, in my imaginings I was always excellently dressed.
Sometimes it can be tough living so far away from home and family, but for MELISSA SHORTAL who has lived in London for quite some years now, she has become acclimatised to being away from Australia. There are however, some Australian bits and pieces that she just can’t live without ...
LOST IN LONDON | “Salty nuts … who wants a big bag of my salty nuts?”
A healthy economy and better job opportunities in Australia are luring thousands of expats back home as Australia’s jobs growth rate hits an eight-year high and unemployment in Europe reaches record levels.
LOST IN LONDON | You could be forgiven for thinking that in between all the double shot soy macchiatos and accessorising with a well-teamed top hat and mismatching colored socks tucked into scuffed brogues, that there is little time left in the day for hipsters to get those exercise endorphins ...
LOST IN LONDON | Mention moving to London to many in Australia and they will immediately voice their sole concern — ‘but how will you get a decent cup of coffee?’.
REVIEW: Thirty years on, the passion and potency Cold Chisel displayed at the Shepherd's Bush Empire left me wondering what kind of dynamite they packed back in the 80s.
LOST IN LONDON | A.A Gill once said about London weather: ‘it’s been incontinent for weeks.’ A statement that has never been more true than about this particular English summer.
Hundreds of expat Australians crammed into the Shepherd's Bush Empire last night to watch legendary Australian rock band Cold Chisel. Check out photos from the gig and photos of the excited Aussie crowd.
The 2010 Bathurst 1-2 finish by Holden gave me that warm fuzzy feeling you very rarely get in life. But then I remembered I drove a Volvo and it got me thinking...
LOST IN LONDON | Dear Hipster/Bartender (if that is your actual job) at The Westbourne
There was a time, not so long ago, when you entered a British pub and the best you could hope for was relics of an English past. But these days, thanks to the creativity of Aussies, bars across the UK now have something of the surf about them.
MUSIC FESTIVALS | Comprehensive list of Australian performers at this year's festivals across the UK.
An Anzac day message from Australian High Commissioner His Excellency Mr John Dauth AO LVO, to Australians living in the UK.
Jimmy Barnes sings “standin' on the outside lookin' in” and that’s exactly the way I feel over here. Having lived in the UK for a few years I find myself taking every opportunity to fly the Aussie flag. And to celebrate classic Aussie rock.
Australia Day, that holiest of days for Aussies, is one huge celebration of everything Australian. And I can’t think of anything better to celebrate than the fact that I am, you are, we are — Australian.
I looked at Facebook over breakfast and it was alive with talk of sun, sea, sand, steak, salads, sheilas, beer, BBQs, blokes, cricket and a day off. I pulled on my green and gold and tried to think warm thoughts as I struggled into my London winter coat.
There have been times recently when I have felt embarrassed to be an Australian. I never thought the day would come...
Fresh off the plane from Australia and wondering what on earth she was thinking arriving at this time of year, JANIS LOVE tells us to stop dreading yet another English winter and to instead welcome the icy blasts.
Exploring the expat experience. The best features by Australian Times columnists and contributors in 2011, as picked by our publisher.
An Australian's time spent in the UK can be filled with any number of traditionally English experiences. But one is both easily experienced and a truly English cultural experience, going to see a pantomime.
RIGHT SAID ED | 2011 has been an action packed year for Australian Times. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, our readers and our writers, for contributing to such an awesome year.
The office noose has to be the dumbest thing ever invented. The scarf, on the other hand, is luxury without the price tag.
‘Austerity’ is a word I'd never heard before coming to the UK. I had to look it up. Coming from the land of milk and honey, ‘prosperity’ was the word of choice, especially in WA. But has Australia really changed so much over the past five years?
After a decade of Brisbane’s year round comfortable climate, I was looking forward to watching the seasons change and London didn’t disappoint.
She’s a beautiful South African lioness. I’m a mangy Australian mutt. Her speech is refined, dignified, and elegant — the sweet rhythms of … . Mine is slurred, poorly announced, whiney and peppered with blasphemy and swearing.
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